Dehydrated Culture Media & Base Products >> Tergitol-7 Agar Base TO Thioglycollate Medium Linden

A Series, B Series, C Series, D Series, E Series, F Series, G Series, H Series, I Series, J Series, K Series, L Series, M Series, N Series, O Series, P Series, R Series, S Series, T Series, U Series, V Series, W Series, X Series, Y Series, Z Series

Tergitol-7 Agar Base TO Thioglycollate Medium Linden

Code Product Packing
M6161 Tergitol-7 Agar Base, Modified
see Modified Tergitol 7 Agar Base
FD057 TTC Soluction 1% (10 ml per vial) 5 vl
M851 Tergitol-7 Broth
selective and differtial medium for detection and enumeration of coliforms.
M1255 Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth
for isolation and identification of Salmoneliae as per I.P
M032 Tetrathonate Broth Base (w/o Iodine and BG)
see Fluid Tetathinate Medium w/o Iodine and BG.
100gm, 500gm
MM032 Tetrathionate Broth Base,
an enrichment broth for isolation of Salmoneliae from specimes susoected to be contamined with Salmonellae as per IP.
100gm, 500gm
M327 Tetrathionate Broth Base, Hajna (TT Broth Base)
for enrichment and isolation of Salmonellae.
100gm, 500gm
M1256 Tetrathionate CV Enrichment Broth
for the selective enrichment of Salmoneliae from meat and foodstufls.
M413 Thayer Martin Medium Base
for selective of Gonococci pathological specimens.
100gm, 500gm
FD021 GC Supplement w/ Antibiotics 5 vl
FD022 Haemoglobin Powder 100gm
FD023 V.C.N. Supplements 2 vl
FD024 V.C.N.T. Supplement 2 vl
FD025 Vitamino Grwoth Supplement 2 vl
M125 Thermoacidurans Agar
for isolation of Bacilus thermoacidurans from food Products.
M788 Thiobacillus Agar
for isolation and cultivation of Thiobacilus species.
M789 Thiobacillus Broth
for cultivation of Thiobacillus Species.
M608 Thioglycollate Agar
for cultivation of anaerobic microoorganisms.
M462 Thioglycollate Broth w/ Liver Extract
see B.O. Vaccine Medium.
M010 Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative
see alterative Thioglycollate Medium
100gm, 500gm
M009 Thioglycollate Medium Fluid
see Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
100gm, 500gm
MV009 Fluid Thioflycollate Medium, HiVegTM
for sterility testing o biologials and for cultivation of aerobes, anaerobes and microaerophgiles
100gm, 500gm
M765 Thioglycollate Medium w/ CaCo3
for maintenace of anaerobic cultures, particularly highly fermentative types.
M979 Thioglycollate Medium w/ Hemin and Vitamin K
for routine cultivation of fastidious anaerobic microorganisms. Also used for blood culturing and studying fermentaion reactions.
M430 Thioglycollate Medium w/ k Agar
for cultivation pf anaerobic, microaerophilic and aerobic microorganisms and for sterility testing procedures.
M190 Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
for cultivation of aerobes,microaerophiles,aaerobes and for fermentation studies with various carbohydrates.
M191 Thioglycollate Medium w/o indicator
see Diagnostic Thioglycollate Medium.
M195 Thioglycollate Medium,Linden
see Brewer Thioglycollate Medium,Modified