Dehydrated Culture Media & Base Products >> Tartoff-Hobbs Broth TO Tergitol-7 Agar H

A Series, B Series, C Series, D Series, E Series, F Series, G Series, H Series, I Series, J Series, K Series, L Series, M Series, N Series, O Series, P Series, R Series, S Series, T Series, U Series, V Series, W Series, X Series, Y Series, Z Series

Tartoff-Hobbs Broth TO Tergitol-7 Agar H

Code Product Packing
FD045 Egg Yolk Emuision (100 ml per vial) 5 vl
FD052 potassium Tellurite 1% (1 ml per vial) 5 vl
M1250 Tartoff-Hobbs Broth (Terrific Broth)
for the cultivation of recombinant strains of Esherichia coli.
M045 Taurocholate Broth
for selective isolation of coliforms from water, milk and other food Products.
M529 Teepol Broth, Modified (Twin Pack)
for selective isolation of coliforms of enteric, lactose fermenting bacteria.
M5291 Teepol Broth, Modified (Twin Pack) 500gm
M1260 Tellurite Blood Agar Base
for the selective isolation and cultivation of Corynebacter species.
FD022 Haemoglobin Powder 100gm
FD025 Vitamino Growth Supplement 2 vl
FD052 Potassium Tellurite 1% (1 ml per vial) 5 vl
M448 Tellurite Glycine Agar Base 500gm
FD052 Potassium Tellutire 1% (1 ml per vial) 5 vl
M616 Tergitol-7 Agar Base 100gm, 500gm
FD057 TTC Soluction 1% (10 ml per vial) 5 vl
M850 Tergitol-7 Agar H 500gm