Laboratory Equipments >> Lab Chemicals >> Motility Biochemical Test Kits
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KBM001 HiMotillty™ Biochemical Kit for E.coli - a combination of 12 tests for confirmation of E.coli based on motility and other biochemical tests. (Kit contains sterile media for Motility test in first 2 well followed by Indole, Citrate utilization, Glucuronidase, Nitrate reduction ONPG, Lysine utilzation tests and 4 different carbohydrates utilization tests - Lactose, Glucose, Sucrose, Sorbitol) Reagents supplied with kit: Kovac's Reagent (R008) for Indole Test. Nitrate Reagents :α - Naphthylanine Solution (R009) and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015) 10 Kits, 20 Kits
KBM002 HiMotility™ Biochemical Kit for Salmonella - a combination of 12 tests confirmation of Salmonella based on motility and other biochemical tests. (Kit contains sterile media for Motility test in first 2 wells followed by Citrate utilization, Urease production, Arginnine utilization, Lysine utilization H2S production, ONPG tests and 4 different carbohydrates utilization tests - Arabi Nose, Lactose, Masltose, Trehalose) 10Kits, 20 Kits
KBM003 HiMotility™ Biochemical Kit for Listeria - a combination of 12 tests for confirmation of Listeria based on motility and other biochemical tests. (Kit contains sterile media for motility test in first 2 wells (Motility+Esculin) followed by Catalase, Nitrate reduction, Voges Proskauer's Methyl red and 6 different carbohydrates utilization tests - Xylose. Lactose α-Methyl-D-Man Noside,Rham Nose, Ribose, Mannitol) Reagents supplied with kit; Iodine Solution (R044). Nitrate Reagents :α-Naphthylamine Solution (R009)and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015), Methyl Red Indicator (I007), Barritt Reagent A (R029) and Barritt Reagent B (R030)for VP Test. 10 Kits, 20 Kits