Laboratory Equipments >> Lab Chemicals >> Drifilter Membrane Nutrient Pad Media
Code Product Packing
MF001 Standard Plate Count Medium - for total bacterial detection and enumeration. 20 pits,50 pits
MF002 Standard Plate Count Medium w/ TTC - for total bacterial detection and enumeration with added colour indicator. 20 pits,50 pits
MF003 Sabouraud Dextrose Medium - for yeast and mould detection and enumeration. 20 pits,50 pits
MF004 Bile Esculin Azide Medium - for detection and enumeration of enterococci. 20 pits,50 pits
MF005 Bismuth sulphite Medium - for detection and enumeration of Salmonella. 20 pits,50 pits
MF006 Soyabean Casein Digest Medium - for total bacterial detection and enumeration 20 pits,50 pits
MF007 Cetrimide Medium - for detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas. 20 pits,50 pits
MF008 Chapman Stone Medium - for detection and enumeration of Staphylococci. 20 pits,50 pits
MF009 ECD Medium - for detection and enumeration of E.coli and coliforms. 20 pits,50 pits
MF010 M-Endo Medium - for detection and enumeration of E.coli and coliforms. 20 pits,50 pits
MF011 Dextrose Tryptone Medium - for detection and enumeration of thermophilic spore beares. 20 pits,50 pits
MF012 MacConkey Medium - for detection and enumeration of coliforms 20 pits,50 pits
MF013 M-Fc Medium - for detection and enumeration of coliforms at higher temperature. 20 pits,50 pits
MF014 Orange serum Medium - for detection and enumeration of acid tolerant microorganisms. 20 pits,50 pits
MF015 Teepol Medium - for detection and enumeration of enteric, lactose fermenting bacteria. 20 pits,50 pits
MF016 Tergitol-7 TTC Medium - for detection and enumeration of E.coli and coliforms. 20 pits,50 pits
MF017 Wort Medium - for detection and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. 20 pits,50 pits
MF018 Universal Filter Membrane Medium - for total bacterial detection and enumeration based on chromogenic differentiation. 20 pits,50 pits
MF019 EC 0157 : H7 Filter Membrane Medium - for detection and enumeration enterohaemorragic E.coli based on chromogenic differentiation. 20 pits,50 pits
MF020 Salmonella differential Medium - for detection and enumeration of salmonella species from enteric bacteria. 20 pits,50 pits