Laboratory Equipments >> T Series >> Tissue Homogenizers
Tissue Homogenizers - Hand Operated
Tissue Homogenizers

Tissue Homogenizers - Hand Operated

For the reducing of small tissue samples to a homogeneous suspension for pathological, immunological and biochemical studies. It consists of a teflon pestle mounted on stainless steel rod replaceable grinding vessel of borosilicate ground fof preparation of tissue homogemneities.

Available in following capacities:-
Woking Capacity : (ml) 5    10    30    50    100
Spare Glass Tube: (ml) 5    10    30    50    100.

YSI-472 Desecription same as above but electrically operated by 1/20 H.P., 4000 rpm highly reliable motor with a chuck to hold thetissue grinder, fitted on a stamnd and is supplied with a speed regulator. Suitable to Work on 220 Volts. 1 ph, 50 Hz AC supply.

YSI-473 same as YSI-472 but operated by 1/5 H.P. motor having 15,000 rpm with speed regulator.

Working Capacity :- (ml) 10   30   50   100

YSI-474 Micro Tissue Homogenizer- Distintegrator — Virtis Type

Micro Tissue Homogenizer- Distintegrator — Virtis Type
Designed to meet the varied homogenizing needs of biological and chemical laboratories. Rapidy rotating razor sharp blades provide fast and through reduction of tissues, for preparation of emulsion of difficult solutions etc. Powerful (1/10hp) high speed upto (10000rpm) AC/DC motor is mounted above homogenizing flask/bottlde. Motor speed is controlled by a speed regulator. The stainless steel shaft with Micro cutting Blades. Micro homogenizing Flash Bottle for sample of 2 ml 25 ml, 5 ml to 30 ml, 10 ml to 50 ml. Supplied complete in all respects.

Suitable to work on 220 volts, 1 ph, 50 Hz, AC supply.

Optional Accessories:-
Attachment for 220 ml with set of shaft blade and flask.
Attachment for 500 ml with set of shaft blade and flask.

YSI-475 Yorco Tissus Homogenizer Electric Disintegrator — Virtis Type

Tissus Homogenizer Electric Disintegrator — Virtis Type
High speed tissue homgenizer is electrically operated by 230 Volts AC/DC, 1/4 H.P., 15000 rpm motor. It has an aerosol assembly of stainless steel which eliminates the hazard of dangerous aerosol homogenizing procedure. The speed is controlled with speed regulator. Complete in all respects with friction free top.
Capacity :- 100 ml and assembly bottle/flash.

YSI-476 Other details as per YSI-475 but with S.S. cup.