Biovisual Charts and Models >> Genetics and Molecular Models >> DNA Set Model
DNA Set Model
DNA Model- (Watson Crick)- It consists of following 4 models Price full set.
a) Double Helical structure to DNA. It is like twisted spirally to a Double Helical
(b) Molecular Structure of DNA- If shows part of two sugar-phosphate chains connected to each other with nitrogenous base.
(c) Linking of Nucleotides- It is working model to show how thymine links with adenine and Cytosine with Guanine
(d) Replicating of DNA-This model shows the structure of R.N.A Model mechanism of duplication.
Structure of RNA model- It includes a set of following three model. Full set.
(a) Helcal Structure of RNA- It is ladder like [twisted spirally] Same as suggested by Watson and Crick
(b) Linking of Nucleotide-It is a working Model to show how Uracil link with Adenine and Cytosine with Guanine
c) RNA Mechanism of Protein Synthesis- A very illustrative model in the formation of-protein and role of RNA with in a cell.
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