Biovisual Charts and Models >> Micro Model >> Fungi
Pythium LH-Set of 10
Phytophthora infestans
Phytophthora infestans LH-Set of 12
Mucor mucedo Colonial
Mucor mucedo LH
Yeast-Single cell
Yeast life cycle-Set of 21
Aspergillus L.H. Set of 12
Ery iphae L.H. Set of 12
Pezlza L.H. Set of
Peziza (Apothecium)
Ustilago life cycle- Set of 12
Cystopus- Set of 16
Claviceps-Perithecia with Stomata
Claviceps-Sclerotium with Asci
Claviceps- LH Set of 12
Pencillium L.H.
Tilletia carries-Smut
Puccinia graminis- Uredospores
Puccinia graminis Teleutospore
Puccinia graminis-Aecidium
Puccinia graminis Pycnium
Puccinia graminis life cycle. Set of 1
Agaricus life cycle Set of 15
Lichen thallus TS